Women in Tech Initiatives Meetup

Technologists create products and services and in doing so affect our everyday lives now and in the future. If these products and services are supposed to serve our society as a whole, we need a lot of diverse and creative perspectives reflecting the richness of our communities. Therefore, we strongly believe that striving to increase diversity among technologists should be a major goal.

On our pursuit for diversity, one of the most encouraging things we can do is to highlight those women who already work on great things within their respective industries, provide them platforms to share their knowledge and inspire by their example.

In Vienna, a range of initiatives promoting gender diversity in STEM (science, technology, engineering & math) exist. To increase visibility as well as to facilitate exchange of ideas and getting-to-know-each-other amongst these initiatives, a session solely dedicated to these groups and projects will take place Friday afternoon.

As attendee you have the chance to easily get in touch with different groups and meet fellow like-minded technologists. As representative of an initiative you have the chance to present your program and invite attendees to your events.

People of all genders are welcome to attend our event.

Enlisted Initiatives
If you want to promote an initiative supporting underrepresented groups in tech, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us through cfp@pydays.at and we will add you to the list.
Co-Mentoring Programme - Women in Data Science
  • Topics: Discussion group about projects that the participants in the programme are involved in. This programme has two objectives:
    • Make the women data science network stronger and get to know the details of some else’s work.
    • Receive feedback and get new perspectives on your own projects.
  • Type: Monthly meeting (Invitation only)
Feminist Python Meetup for Women* and Non-Binary Folks in Vienna
  • Topics: A mix of talks and more hands-on workshopy events about everything that interests us in Python, see the website for a log of what we already talked about.
  • Type: Monthly meetup; dates are coordinated by doodle; usually 3h in the evenings
Feminist Linux Meetup für Frauen*, Non-Binary*, Trans* und Inter* Personen
  • Topics: Everything that could be interesting in regards to Linux. First meetup in March 2019, we’ll see how many people are interested and what the topics should be. At the time only announced in german, open for bi-lingual format, if people are interested and help out in organising.
  • Type: Monthly meetup with about 3h in the evenings (intended format)
diebin.at - Verein zur Förderung emanzipatorischer Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien
  • Topics: Our main aim is to provide some basic web & mail infrastructure to communities and also to provide workshops to empower communities to build their own infrastructures. So far mostly workshops on how the Internet and secure messaging works as well as on different aspects of Linux usage and Linux server administration.
  • Type: Semi-closed collective that regularly looks for interested people
R-Ladies Vienna
  • Topics: Our mission is to achieve proportionate representation by encouraging, inspiring and empowering people of genders currently underrepresented in the R community. We offer a mix of academic and practitioner talks, hands-on tutorials, study groups and socializing events on a regular basis for different levels of R proficiency from beginner to developer.
  • Type: Meetups every 4 to 6 weeks coordinated through the R-Ladies Vienna website.
IEEE Women in Engineering
  • Topics: We support women in tech jobs, help them to expand their network, and increase the awareness of contributions by successful women in technology. We want to bring together and assist women on different levels during their careers, starting from education to professional life, in academia, research or industry.
  • Type: Facebook group with regular updates, 1-2 invited talks per year, 1-2 networking events per year

Session Details

  • When: Friday, 3 May 2019 16:00-17:30
  • Where: F4.22
  • Format:
    • Lightning talks where initiatives present themselves
    • Discussion